2ª Edição 2024 – BookSpot.pt https://bookspot.pt 10% Desconto Livros Medicina Livraria na Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:36:00 +0000 pt-PT hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.16 Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – 2 Volume SET, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/atlas-of-oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery-2-volume-set-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/atlas-of-oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery-2-volume-set-2nd-edition/#respond Tue, 11 Sep 2018 10:44:08 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2049 Enhance your surgical skills with Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2nd Edition! Written by respected international contributors and edited by OMS experts Paul Tiwana and Deepak Kademani, the new edition of this practical, comprehensive guide is divided into two volumes with eBook access included with the print purchase. It offers detailed, step-by-step instructions and more than 2,500

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Atlas of Retinal OCT, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/atlas-of-retinal-oct-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/atlas-of-retinal-oct-2nd-edition/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 10:44:41 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1527 Unparalleled for aiding diagnosis of retinal disease and recording disease progression, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) remains one of the most significant advances in ophthalmology over the past 50 years. Atlas of Retinal OCT, 2nd Edition, provides expert guidance in making the most of this diagnostic tool with high-quality, oversized images that show precise detail and

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Campbell’s Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/campbells-core-orthopaedic-procedures-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/campbells-core-orthopaedic-procedures-2nd-edition/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:11:44 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1432 Focusing solely on the surgical techniques critical in helping achieve optimal patient outcomes, Campbell’s Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition, is an ideal resource for orthopaedic and sports medicine surgeons and trainees who need a practical resource covering the top procedures in the field. This succinct, well-illustrated reference features step-by-step procedures used at the Campbell Clinic,

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Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 1: Solid Tumors & Supportive Care, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/cancer-consult-expertise-in-clinical-practice-volume-1-solid-tumors-supportive-care-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/cancer-consult-expertise-in-clinical-practice-volume-1-solid-tumors-supportive-care-2nd-edition/#respond Tue, 25 Jun 2019 16:57:46 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2419 DESCRIPTION CANCER CONSULTNew edition covering the specialties of hematology, oncology and cellular therapy, now in two volumes Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 1: Solid Tumors & Supportive Care, Second Edition includes hundreds of answers to practice-based questions covering the new principles of diagnosis, classification, staging, treatment, and outcomes in the rapidly advancing field of

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Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/cancer-consult-expertise-in-clinical-practice-volume-2-neoplastic-hematology-cellular-therapy-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/cancer-consult-expertise-in-clinical-practice-volume-2-neoplastic-hematology-cellular-therapy-2nd-edition/#respond Thu, 16 May 2019 14:39:45 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2351 DESCRIPTION CANCER CONSULTNew edition covering the specialties of hematology, oncology and cellular therapy, now in two volumes Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy, Second Edition includes hundreds of answers to practice-based questions covering the new principles of diagnosis, classification, staging, treatment, and outcomes in the rapidly advancing field of

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Cardiovascular Intervention, 2nd Edition A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease https://bookspot.pt/product/cardiovascular-intervention-2nd-edition-a-companion-to-braunwalds-heart-disease/ https://bookspot.pt/product/cardiovascular-intervention-2nd-edition-a-companion-to-braunwalds-heart-disease/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 10:26:48 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1511 Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Cardiovascular Intervention: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on every aspect of catheterization of the heart and vasculature and the latest imaging technologies. This practical reference on interventional cardiology is organized from a procedural perspective, with chapters focused exclusively on

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Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/evidence-based-practice-of-palliative-medicine-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/evidence-based-practice-of-palliative-medicine-2nd-edition/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 12:19:00 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1563 Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart

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Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/gastrointestinal-oncology-a-critical-multidisciplinary-team-approach-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/gastrointestinal-oncology-a-critical-multidisciplinary-team-approach-2nd-edition/#respond Wed, 08 May 2019 07:48:27 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2347 DESCRIPTION GASTROINTESTINAL ONCOLOGYBlends quality research findings with advanced educational techniques in a uniquely comprehensive approach Written and edited by leading international experts in the field, Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach is an indispensable reference for clinicians, medical practitioners, and trainees involved in the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of esophageal, gastric, intestinal, colonic, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, and

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Instrumentos de Avaliação em Saúde Mental 2ª edição https://bookspot.pt/product/instrumentos-de-avaliacao-em-saude-mental/ https://bookspot.pt/product/instrumentos-de-avaliacao-em-saude-mental/#respond Thu, 19 Jul 2018 11:01:58 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2014 Desde a publicação da 1ª edição de Instrumentos de avaliação em saúde mental, a avaliação psiquiátrica e psicológica por meio de instrumentos psicométricos vem sendo impactada, entre outros fatores, pela consolidação de técnicas de inteligência artificial, a ampliação de aplicações on-line, a expansão de técnicas estatísticas aplicadas aos instrumentos e novos estudos de validação em língua

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Manual of Splinting and Casting, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/manual-of-splinting-and-casting-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/manual-of-splinting-and-casting-2nd-edition/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:09:57 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1430 Now in vibrant full color, Manual of Splinting and Casting, 2nd Edition, provides highly visual, step-by-step instructions on the most common, need-to-know techniques for initial orthopaedic injury management. This practical point-of-care reference uses a highly templated format with hundreds of illustrations and photographs so you can quickly grasp exactly how to perform each technique. It’s

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