Perfect your lab skills with the essential text for diagnostic microbiology! Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, Sixteenth Edition Is known as the #1 bench reference for practicing microbiologists and the preeminent text for students in clinical laboratory science programs. With hundreds of full-color illustrations and step-by-step methods for procedures, this text provides a solid, basic understanding of diagnostic microbiology and covers more advanced techniques such as matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Written by noted CLS educator Dr. Patricia Tille, Diagnostic Microbiology has everything you need to get accurate lab test results in class and in clinical practice.
Key Features
- NEW! Expanded molecular content enhances each specific organism area
- NEW! Revised life cycle illustrations clarify and reinforce important components
- More than 800 high-quality, full-color illustrations help you visualize key concepts
- Expanded sections on parasitology, mycology, and virology allow you to use just one book, eliminating the need to purchase other microbiology textbooks for these topics
- Case studies and step-by-step procedures in the ebook version (sold separately) and on the Evolve companion website allow you to see what takes place in the lab and to apply your knowledge to diagnostic scenarios
- Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide measurable outcomes to achieve by completing the chapter material
- Review questions at the end of each chapter in the ebook version (sold separately) and on the Evolve companion website help you apply and assess the knowledge you’ve learned
- Genera and Species boxes provide handy, at-a-glance summaries at the beginning of each organism chapter
- A glossary defines terms at the back of the book
Author Information
By Patricia M. Tille, PhD, MLS(ASCP), AHI(AMT), FACSc, Department Vice Chair, Clinical and Health Information Sciences, Graduate Program Director/Professor, Medical Laboratory Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio; Chair, Microbiology Advisory Committee, International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science; Editor in Chief, International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science, International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science and President, American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science, USA
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