How is it possible that people do not think, do not question, about what they put into their body, in the past global pandemic, through vaccines and the modified virus called Coronavirus Covit-19 or as Donald Trump calls it “The Chinese Virus”?
No medical or health authority is going to dare to reverse engineer research, to find out how the components of vaccines are now (2024), interacting with your body.
All vaccines act by stimulating the immune system to act in certain patterns.
However, these vaccines went further, not only because the inventors won the Nobel Prize in medicine, but because there is scientific and non-scientific evidence that there are other components that also entered your body. In the book Vaccines? Live free from the after-effects, you will find both evidences.
With a simple test that you will find in the book Vaccines? you will be able to determine if in your body there are traces of those substances introduced in your body, in a very simple way, until now it can be said that it is the only test that you can do to know the consequences of the vaccines in your body, since no laboratory has this test. Or do you know of any laboratory that can provide you with a test that will tell you what consequences the vaccine is having on your glands or organs?
The author has discovered, that there is resonance in several parts of the body in relation to the vaccine, and that according to it generates a pattern of behavior of these vaccines in your body, for example: it was discovered that one of these points has to do with the hypothalamus, which among other functions is responsible for the regulation of your hunger, thirst, response to pain, levels of pleasure, sexual satisfaction, anger and aggressive behavior, and more. And now we know, that some people have been observed with alterations in their temperament and others in the regulation of hunger and others with sexual problems, and so on. However, by no mistake they do not think that these alterations have anything to do with the vaccine.
The author in his book Vaccines? Live free from the sequels, achieves a unique breakthrough in the world, making known his theory and discovery, about the resonance of the vaccine in the body and how people today are experiencing changes in their body by the substances introduced through vaccines. This discovery is unique in that no one, but no one has been able to point out so clearly every place in the body where the vaccine residues are acting pathologically, as current as the 1st day the vaccine came out. It is NOT a thing of the past, you may be having alterations in your behavior or expressing some disease, which is related to this energetic resonance through the atoms in your body to specific areas that are making you sick.
We know that there are many so-called “conspiracy theorists” who express their ideas about vaccines and the role they play in population control, but none of them have ever pointed out where in your body they are doing that work and how you feel it as a disease or emotion, much less how you can remove it from your body. They only point it out or express it, but they cannot prove it.
This discovery, verifiable also by yourself, is not dogma of faith, nor that you have to believe it, but that you yourself following the simple instructions that you will find in the book Vaccines? You will be able to verify its effectiveness.
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Vaccines?: Live Sequel Free!
Categoria: Promoções
Etiqueta: 1ª edição 2023
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