Ortopedia – BookSpot.pt https://bookspot.pt 10% Desconto Livros Medicina Livraria na Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:36:00 +0000 pt-PT hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.16 Biomecânica e Traumatologia das Modalidades Desportivas https://bookspot.pt/product/biomecanica-e-traumatologia-das-modalidades-desportivas/ https://bookspot.pt/product/biomecanica-e-traumatologia-das-modalidades-desportivas/#respond Wed, 23 Jan 2019 15:16:56 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2258 A presente obra fornece, na primeira parte, uma revisão da biomecânica e traumatologia específicas de 30 modalidades desportivas, incluindo desportos coletivos e individuais, com as mais variadas características. São detalhados os movimentos típicos praticados em cada desporto, bem como a sua importância e correlação com a frequência e tipos de lesão mais comuns. Ao pormenorizar

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Campbell’s Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/campbells-core-orthopaedic-procedures-2nd-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/campbells-core-orthopaedic-procedures-2nd-edition/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:11:44 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1432 Focusing solely on the surgical techniques critical in helping achieve optimal patient outcomes, Campbell’s Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition, is an ideal resource for orthopaedic and sports medicine surgeons and trainees who need a practical resource covering the top procedures in the field. This succinct, well-illustrated reference features step-by-step procedures used at the Campbell Clinic,

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Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, 4-Volume Set, 14th Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/operative-techniques-knee-surgery/ https://bookspot.pt/product/operative-techniques-knee-surgery/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 10:53:08 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1412 Still the most widely used comprehensive resource in orthopaedic surgery, Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics is an essential reference for trainees, a trusted clinical tool for practitioners, and the gold standard for worldwide orthopaedic practice. Unparalleled in scope and depth, this 14th Edition contains updated diagnostic images, practical guidance on when and how to perform every procedure, and rapid access to data in preparation for surgical cases or

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Clinical Applications of 3D Printing in Foot and Ankle Surgery, 1st Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/clinical-applications-of-3d-printing-in-foot-and-ankle-surgery-1st-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/clinical-applications-of-3d-printing-in-foot-and-ankle-surgery-1st-edition/#respond Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:55:47 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1315 As an emerging technology, 3D printing holds much promise for foot and ankle reconstruction and difficult-to-treat pathologies. The first text of its kind, Clinical Application of 3D Printing in Foot and Ankle Surgery provides comprehensive, in-depth operative coverage as well as opinions and case examples from surgeons who are currently using 3D printing in their

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Complications in Orthopaedics: Pediatrics, 1st Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/complications-in-orthopaedics-pediatrics-1st-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/complications-in-orthopaedics-pediatrics-1st-edition/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 13:41:31 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1585 The difference between an average surgeon and a master surgeon is often an ability to navigate and resolve surgical complications. Complications in Orthopaedics: Pediatrics provides expert guidance and offers real solutions to improve patient outcomes, both for the trainee and for the experienced surgeon. This brand new volume in the new Complications in Orthopaedics series from Dr. Stephen R.

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Complications in Orthopaedics: Sports Medicine, 1st Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/complications-in-orthopaedics-sports-medicine-1st-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/complications-in-orthopaedics-sports-medicine-1st-edition/#respond Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:56:41 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=2888 One of the hallmarks of a master surgeon is the ability to navigate a wide variety of inevitable difficult situations in surgery whether errors in judgment technical mistakes or unavoidable outcomes. Complications in Orthopaedic Surgery is a new series designed to provide real-world guidance on recognizing and avoiding errors as well as how to “course-correct”

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Coughlin and Mann’s Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, 2-Volume Set, 10th Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/coughlin-and-manns-surgery-of-the-foot-and-ankle-2-volume-set-10th-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/coughlin-and-manns-surgery-of-the-foot-and-ankle-2-volume-set-10th-edition/#respond Fri, 16 Feb 2018 10:58:06 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=1416 The 10th edition of Coughlin and Mann’s Surgery of the Foot and Ankle delivers state-of-the-art, comprehensive coverage of the full range of foot and ankle disorders in an easy-to-manage, two-volume format. Authoritative guidance on every major aspect of the treatment and management of foot and ankle disorders and diseases helps you achieve consistent, optimal outcomes

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Critérios Fundamentais em Fraturas e Oortopedia https://bookspot.pt/product/criterios-fundamentais-fraturas-ortopedia/ https://bookspot.pt/product/criterios-fundamentais-fraturas-ortopedia/#respond Wed, 04 Oct 2017 14:52:16 +0000 http://bookspot.nloja.com/?post_type=product&p=364 Esta obra está uma vez mais toda renovada e agora bastante dilatada, mas mantém o mesmo objetivo: divulgar de modo prático e útil um ramo da ciência médica aos seus utilizadores diretos – Clínicos Gerais, Ortopedistas, Fisiatras, Internos, Estudantes e Médicos dos Centros de Saúde e Banco de Hospital. Modestamente para nós, os Autores, o

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Escoliose Idiopática Diagnostico e Tratamento https://bookspot.pt/product/escoliose-idiopatica-diagnostico-e-tratamento/ https://bookspot.pt/product/escoliose-idiopatica-diagnostico-e-tratamento/#respond Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:59:00 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=4065 A escoliose é um sinal clínico; na idade pediátrica, tem várias etiologias, mas, na maior parte dos casos, a causa permanece desconhecida. Não tem um comportamento uniforme em termos de apresentação clínica, evolução e prognóstico. Sendo um diagnóstico de exclusão, impõe uma investigação clínica exaustiva com base numa história clínica e exame objetivo completos e

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Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 8th Edition https://bookspot.pt/product/greens-operative-hand-surgery-8th-edition/ https://bookspot.pt/product/greens-operative-hand-surgery-8th-edition/#respond Thu, 24 Mar 2022 13:50:44 +0000 https://bookspot.pt/?post_type=product&p=4046 Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 8th Edition, provides complete coverage of the surgical and nonsurgical management of the full range of upper extremity conditions. In a clearly written and well-illustrated format, it contains both foundational content for residents and fellows as well as new approaches, case-based controversies, and outcomes-based solutions

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